Articles on: Rules & Triggers


A Promolayer display can be triggered in a number of ways. These triggers can be found in the display editor under the 'Rules' tab.

Available triggers

Show immediately
As soon as the page has finished loading the display will trigger.

Display on exit intent (Abandonment preventer)
Promolayer tracks mouse movement and when the mouse moves out of the browser window (to close or change tab) the display is activated.

When the address bar is activated, the tab is minimized or tab-to-tab swipe begins the display will trigger.

Back button capture
When the user presses the back button or swipes backwards on a mobile device, navigation will be cancelled and the display will be triggered. The second time the user presses back or swipes the browser will navigate as usual.

Time on site longer than
When a user remains on the targeted page longer than the entered number of seconds the display will trigger.

Idle on site for
When a user does not interact with the mouse or keyboard or touchscreen for longer than the entered number of seconds the display will trigger.

Scroll depth reaches
When a user scrolls more than the selected distance down the page the popup will trigger.

Custom trigger with Javascript
Use the code found in the display editors rule section under [Get trigger code] and combine it with your own Javascript for more complex triggers.

Updated on: 11/07/2022

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