Where are my contacts saved?
By default every email and contact received will be saved into a list called 'Default' available under the menu item 'Lists' in the top menu bar. For Wix and Shopify users you will find the data also entered directly into your site/store.Few readersPreventing spam registrations
Spam registrations can be a frustration when giving out coupons and users attempt to receive multiples. This frustration can be further amplified when using spin-to-wins as users will often try multiple email addresses for more spin attempts. If you are receiving spam registrations or fake emails the best approach to the problem is to disable the coupon display on the thank you screen and email the coupon to the user. This will ensure that at a minimum the user has to use real, active email addFew readersContact lists
Lists are an easy way to split your audience into segments for later download via CSV. You can create a new list under the 'Lists' menu item in the top bar. To enter data into the new list, click 'edit' on the relevant display and select the list in the display editor under Actions Promolayer listFew readers