Coupon pools
This article does not apply to Wix and Shopify users. For these platforms please see 'auto-generated coupons'
Coupon pools are collections or 'pools' of coupons that can be drawn from one at a time and distributed to customers who complete a subscription form in a display. Once a coupon has been given to a customer it is marked as 'used' and will not be given again. This process repeats until the pool empties.
This pool functionality allows for the creation and distribution of single-use coupons to prevent code re-use. If you do not require single-use coupon functionality we would recommend the far more simple approach of creating a static coupon code and entering it directly into the coupon component in the display editor.
Coupon pool usage steps:
Navigate to 'Coupons' in the top bar and click [Add new coupon pool]

Once you've named and created your pool, click the pool name. In this case, I've named mine 'Christmas coupons'.

Click [Add coupon codes]

Paste your list of coupon codes in, one per line.

In your display's coupon component, select the correct pool to be drawn from

Coupon pools are collections or 'pools' of coupons that can be drawn from one at a time and distributed to customers who complete a subscription form in a display. Once a coupon has been given to a customer it is marked as 'used' and will not be given again. This process repeats until the pool empties.
This pool functionality allows for the creation and distribution of single-use coupons to prevent code re-use. If you do not require single-use coupon functionality we would recommend the far more simple approach of creating a static coupon code and entering it directly into the coupon component in the display editor.
Coupon pool usage steps:
Navigate to 'Coupons' in the top bar and click [Add new coupon pool]

Once you've named and created your pool, click the pool name. In this case, I've named mine 'Christmas coupons'.

Click [Add coupon codes]

Paste your list of coupon codes in, one per line.

In your display's coupon component, select the correct pool to be drawn from

Updated on: 16/05/2022
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